Posted on Friday, October 31, 2014 by
Michael •
Reported by VPR yesterday…

The Vermont Agency of Transportation has reversed a decision to close the Morrisville Bypass to non-motorized uses, at least until the agency’s Traffic Committee meets in December to discuss the issue.
The two-mile bypass, also known as the Alternative Truck Route, opens to traffic at 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. And now “traffic” will mean cars and trucks and bicycles and pedestrians.
“We have heard loud and clear from our customers who feel that bicycles and pedestrians should be allowed on the new Morristown Alternate Truck Route. VTrans, the Regional Planning Commission and the Town all agree and the prohibition will be removed as this road opens to the public on Friday,” Vermont Agency of Transportation program manager Kevin Marsha posted on Morrisville’s Front Porch Forum…
As the bypass neared completion the newly-posted limited access sign drew lot of attention over the past couple of weeks. Much of the conversation took place on Morrisville’s online Front Porch Forum and on discussion forums below news posts on the issue…
Posted in: Citizen Journalism, Civic Engagement, Community Building, Democracy, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, MacArthur Fellows, Media, Neighborhood, Politics, Social Media, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont