Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Librarian rescues Robin Hood from roof…

Posted on Friday, November 16, 2012 by No comments yet

#VT – Posted on FPF by a town librarian…

Folks may weary of seeing missing animals on the Starksboro Front Porch Forum, but after this evening I can report that they can be worthwhile.  Thanks to a listing on FPF we were able to reunite a missing cats with his owner. He was a mile from home and on the roof of the town offices — most likely trying to get high enough to see how far he was from home!

And from the climbing cat’s owner…

Ohhh Happy Days!!  Thank you so much to all who helped with the rescue mission!

I received a call asking what my kitty looked like as there had been a cat perched on top of the town offices all day, and they had fetched a ladder and had retreived him from the roof and had him safely in the library.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped Robin Hood return safely home!! I am in heaven!  Thank you FPF!

Posted in: Community Building, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, Neighborhood, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont

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