Posted on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 by
Michael •
#BTV #VT – Over the past couple days, we’ve heard tremendous feedback about Front Porch Forum from people across dozens of Vermont towns. First at the NetSquared MeetUp about social media’s role in Burlington 2012 mayoral campaigns, then yesterday at the big e-Vermont conference. Wow! It’s incredibly energizing to listen to how FPF is perceived and put to use by community organizers, entrepreneurs, public officials, local media, students, small businesses, everyday folks, et al.
Here’s an example from a new steering committee member of a Burlington Neighborhood Planning Assembly…
My impetus to get involved with my community stems from my childhood in Montpelier where I knew my neighbors and neighbors all helped each other. FPF has been the missing link in community building for my adult life.

Posted in: Burlington, Civic Engagement, Community Building, Democracy, e-Vermont, Economic Development, Front Porch Forum, Knight Foundation, Local Online, MacArthur Fellows, Neighborhood, social capital, Social Media, Stories, Vermont