Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2011 by
Michael •
#VT – Neighbors in Jericho are debating the paving of some dirt roads on their Front Porch Forum this past month. Many good points are making the rounds. Elected leaders are reading FPF. This is good stuff.
Many of the postings are also making their way to sister town Underhill’s FPF. We heard from an FPF member there the other day complaining about clogging up his FPF with this dirt road conversation from neighboring Jericho.
FPF online community manger Linda posted in response…
One neighbor’s interesting news is another’s static! The feedback is helpful…
And today, from Underhill FPF member Karl…
More feedback, Linda: Jericho roads are important to Underhill drivers. This paving debate is intrinsically interesting and directly pertinent to us. Far from “clogging” the forum it’s animating and informing the forum. More to the point, much of the beauty of FPF is its lean, succinct presentation; it takes a fraction of a second to skip what doesn’t interest us. Even more to the point, the point of FPF isn’t only to get the news, it’s also to participate in and partake of the community around us, to learn to think of ourselves as connected and responsible for each other. Please send us anything and everything we might care about, whether or not we’re eligible to vote on it.
Posted in: Civic Engagement, Community Building, Front Porch Forum, Knight Foundation, Local Online, MacArthur Fellows, Neighborhood, social capital, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont