Question for FPF… why do you solicit funds from your subscribers? And, I thought you landed a grant recently.
FPF Response… The four employees of Front Porch Forum provide a free service to 20,000 Vermont households… this takes money. We raise most of those funds through ad sales to local Vermont businesses (thank you sponsors!). Much of the balance comes from voluntary member contributions. Please disregard the request if it’s not a fit for you. Some people get hundreds and even thousands of dollars of value out of FPF and they’re glad to contribute a fraction of that back our way to keep things running smoothly… but we don’t get that income unless we ask. Please consider pitching in!
And, yes, we did recently win a highly competitive Knight News Challenge award. Those funds, once received, will be used as one-time capital to rebuild our software to bring new features to our subscribers and allow us to expand to more communities (our existing software is constrained on these fronts). The Knight award is not intended to cover operating expenses incurred by our ongoing service.
Thanks to those who have asked. I hope FPF proves valuable to all our subscribers. This requires the help of many. Here’s how you can pitch in…
FPF’s mission is to help neighbors connect and build community. THANKS!!
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more