Thanks to the Vermont Telecom Authority for pointing Vermonters to Front Porch Forum. While it makes sense for local folks to use online tools from the mega corporations — Goolge, Facebook, Craigslist, Yahoo, etc. — it’s reassuring when Vermont-bred services (iBrattleboro, Seven Days, Vermont Tiger, Green Mountain Daily, FPF, etc.) get a little recognition from our public leaders.
Indeed, while a growing number of people understand and support the idea of buying local, extending the same notion to online habits has yet to get traction. Just as sure as dollars spent in a local coffee shop add up to benefit the local economy more than the same money spent at a Starbucks, clicks on locally owned and operated websites contribute to a vibrant small-scale local alternative to the Wal-Marts of the online world.
Click Local!
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more
It has been great to work with a local online tool (none other than FPF) vs. the big guys. I am using a bunch of online tools to help with a downtown revitalization effort. We have posted many messages on FPF as well as facebook. There is a huge difference though…I’ve been able to call FPF and talk to a real live person who will answer questions, and provide technical assistance. This is impossible with facebook, google, survey monkey, or other online tools I use. These mega tools are useful, but it is also great to have access to real human beings I know and trust.
Thanks Sue! I’ll pass your kind words to the FPF crew. -Michael