Monthly Archives: April 2008

Better than Craigslist, and local daily?

Posted on Saturday, April 5, 2008 by No comments yet

We hear this kind of thing all the time, but we seldom capture it in writing. Thanks Wolfgang!

“Just wanted to let you know that we sold our Minivan today to a neighbor through Front Porch Forum. We had more people expressing interest and more people showing up to look at the van who found out through the Forum than the combined interest generated by Burlington Free Press, and Craigslist combined. Thanks!” -Wolfgang

Please vote for us! And help spread the word… one vote per email address.

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“Good, honest, respectful communication” among neighbors

Posted on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 by No comments yet

Andy and Carrie live in the same urban Burlington, VT neighborhood, but they don’t know each other. Carrie posted an item on their neighborhood’s Front Porch Forum and Andy took exception. He sent Carrie a note suggesting that she was out of bounds. Carrie asked me, as moderator, for an opinion. I thought her posting was fine, and she conveyed that back to Andy.

So, is this another story of snarky snipping in Web 2.0-land? Here’s the conclusion just received from Carrie…

“i couldn’t resist forwarding the e-mail [exchange]. it’s from the guy who has an issue with ‘out of neighborhood’ postings. we had some conflict, and now we both feel good about our connection. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR FORUM! yeah, i know… ‘our’ forum. but you are the inspiration. good, honest, respectful communication is a beautiful thing to experience with neighbors. [emphasis added] thanks, michael.”

“yes, i voted! that’s cool.”

Thanks for sharing Carrie! -Michael

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Helping neighbors connect is newsworthy

Posted on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum’s story of helping neighbors connect and build community is showing up in the media recently. Of note, Mark Glaser just published a lengthy piece at MediaShift on, starting with…

“We are a society that lives more and more in our technology-induced bubbles. When we go outside, we wear an iPod; we talk on cell phones while driving. In urban areas, we might never meet our neighbors unless there’s a fire or earthquake. But can technology also help bring us together in our physical communities, and help us get to know our neighbors? Front Porch Forum (FPF) is making a valiant effort to do just that”

Hopefully, his readers will cast a vote for us! And help spread the word.

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