Ghost of Midnight

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Where2GetIt getting it right?

Posted on Monday, October 15, 2007 by No comments yet

Greg Sterling writes today

Where2GetIt has been around for a decade and is impressively self funded (VCs take note). Based in Southern California it’s a company that more people in the local space should know about. However the company has been relatively quiet about what it’s doing and where it’s going.

Where2GetIt started as a dealer locator service for retailers and manufacturers, hosting maps and directions that appear on their those third-party sites. But in the process of building out its services over time the company has developed a rich database of product inventory information in addition to business locations. In other words, it has a tremendously valuable body of information about where consumers can find products today in local stores. Among its customers are a host of “marquee” brands such as Office Depot…

But what caught my attention was Greg’s closing…

One of the other interesting things about this company is that it has built a business rather than the appearance of a business for the purpose of an acquisition, which is characteristic of so many “Web 2.0” companies of late.

Sounds good to me.

Posted in: Front Porch Forum, Local Search, Social Media

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