Posted on Friday, June 29, 2007 by
Michael •
Burlington seems to be suffering an increase in break-ins, vandalism and the like. Much is shared on the various neighborhood forums hosted by FPF. Local officials weigh in too. Here’s a gem that just arrived on the ONE East Neighborhood Forum from Tim this evening…
I’d just like to offer some kudos here:
* to Front Porch Forum for creating a medium for neighbors to communicate issues quickly and easily
* to the police and government officials of all types for watching and responding to this forum on a regular basis
I think I can speak for most members of the community and say this: Whether or not we are satisfied with every response we receive, we appreciate everything our officials are doing to improve and maintain our quality of life. We have to acknowledge that FPF has created a communication path and that its being used, successfully, by our community.
Thanks Tim!