Posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 by
Michael •
HELLO MOOSE LOVERS: Please check out the photos below (and here’s another moose photo taken by a friend in her Vermont neighborhood) and then stop by our core website… the national award-winning Front Porch Forum… 30% of our pilot city subscribes already! Cheers.
A Front Porch Forum member of the Hinesburg Village Neighborhood Forum posted this today…
Yup, we are still in the sticks, no matter how developed we are. Must be getting crowded in the swamps as well.
Followed by this note from his Colchester, VT friend with these incredible photos…
In my 5 years in Colchester, I have never seen a newborn baby moose. This one was not even a half a mile from our house. The mother picked a small quiet neighborhood and had her baby in the front yard at 5:30 am We were out bike riding when we came upon the pair. The lady across the street from this house told us she saw it being born. We saw them at 5:30 pm . So the little one was 12 hours old. What an awesome place we live in to see such a site.
[See the comments below… seems that this moose mom and babe might hail from Alaska, not Colchester!]

Too cute!!!!!!
Friend Doris just wrote…
“Here’s an interesting twist the moose pictures showed up in a friends mailbox with the note that pictures are from a home in Alaska. Go figure.”
So… is it Colchester, VT or Alaska? Or does it matter? Still great photos. Thanks Doris. 🙂
Being the cynic I am, I had to get to the bottom of the moose calf pictures. What tipped me off, besides Doris’s note to Michael is how could anyone’s lawn around here look so short and brown in June? After looking through the Burlington Free Press for articles on the subject (there are none) and and hoaxbusters, my tech savvy 11 year-old told me to Google ‘moose born on Alaskan lawn’ and lo and behold here’s the link. Sorry to disappoint all of us Vermonters, but I think Doris wins.;f=19;t=001428;p=1
Seems like Doris and Alaska win the day. By Vermont standards, would that make the newborn moose a flatlander?
[…] Patrick just posted the following moose story on the FPF Westford Neighborhood Forum. I guess I’ve got a soft spot for baby moose tale. Many neighbors on Brookside Road caught sight of a young moose on the loose in early June. The calf roamed on the road and in our front yard. She/he looked a little lost and perhaps it was searching for it’s mother. […]
Great pictures, the story must have been
a MOOSESTAKE though, Oh well,
congrats to Mother Moose and baby.
These are very good pictures. I actually received these same pictures in an email from a friend.
The baby calf is too cute!
Here in upstate NY (Hudson Valley) the story was emailed around recently claiming the moose was born in ” neighbor’s yard in southern Maine”. They are still nice photos.
I just got these same photos and story, only claiming it happened in Naubinway, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula.
I got the same email Diane, and its bunk! – I’ve seen pictures of this posted on a website and dated, “June 07” – those are ‘fall’ pictures..
Animals giving birth leave blood and slime and mucus. Living near Naubinway, this never made our local paper either.. hmmmmm…
NOW (10/25/2007) the pictures are circulating as being from Michigan’s UP!
Ok so I should have read ALL the comments before posting 🙁
I just received these pictures saying the moose was born in Maine. LOL That moose and baby really get around.
oops, that should have been Michigan, not Maine
I figured it wasn’t from Naubinway. I’ve never seen moose anywhere near there. Still it’s a shame mother and child couldn’t find proper maternity quarters in the woods! What the heck are they doing in “quiet neighborhood” when they should be deep in the woods? Have we forced out? (Maybe mom was looking for the town OB or mid-wife).
after all there is a dragon here.
I have deer in my yard all the time.They sleep here.I am on a mnt top.
Not that it really matters, I guess, but does anyone really know who took the pictures, and where and when they took them? I, too, thought the pictures were cute, but did wonder about the mixed-up instincts of a supposedly wild animal having a baby in a human habitat!
Grass dry and brown. No leaves on tree. Flowers still in bloom, so no heavy frost has happened. New Jersey in November? Probably not Maine, as my pictures were titled. But moose do roam all over the place here, and show up in unexpected places. Old Town Maine is not exactly urban. But nothing has been noted in the Bangor Daily News. Nothing to do but enjoy the photos.
Hi there,
Some of my customers suggested I try using this forum to contact ladies in your area. I own & operate Trading Post for little folks. It’s a Children’s & Maternity Resale shop. My family and I started this business over 10 years ago. Throughout these years we have strived to provide a place for families to come and find excellent quality items at affordable prices. We really enjoy helping families save money. Among the many other items we have here, it has come to my attention that we may have become one of the only local businesses that is reselling Maternity. As a mother myself, I am aware of the cost of Maternity wear when you have to buy it new! So… I’m simply letting ladies know that I have a fantastic selection of Maternity wear that is coming in almost daily. Why pay more for new when you can save so much buying gently used…and at the same time help our environment by recycling! I hope you can post this on your website.
Thank you and have a great day,
TRADING POST for little folks
The Essex Town Market Place “The Red Mall”
Susie Wilson Rd., Essex Jct., VT 05452
Mon.-Fri 9-5 Sat. 10-4
[…] me of some past moose postings… one, two, three and […]
The whole world is going commercial. Our culture, institutions, society, national defense…. We’re not the only nation that has the best leaders that business interests can buy. What used to be an information super highway has been turned into a superhighway for merchants, commerce, business, etc. Everything that affects our lives is based on business, large and small. We are not even able to have a social forum without some business person using it to solicit commercial interests.
Thank you [neighbor], for using this friendly blog as a billboard to post your commercial that promotes your business!
Hey Glider Flyboy This is why no one post on this. People like you that want to complain about everything what does the ad do to you. Anyway It was posted well over a year ago. I hope this is not the best you can do. Go back to the flatlands Please
[…] Congratulations Ms. Moose and Baby! at Ghost of Midnight Jun 27, 2007 … I just received these pictures saying the moose was born in Maine. LOL That moose and baby really … […]