Posted on Saturday, February 3, 2007 by
Michael •
Well… a few days ago it was a lost cat in Hinesburg finding it’s owner through Front Porch Forum. This week it’s a heartwarming dogs’ tale, in the form of two letters from the canines themselves to each other through the Five Sisters Neighborhood Forum.
I saw you, you saw me, and we sniffed each other last weekend while our owners were cross-country skiing on the golf course. We didn’t have much time to play, but there was something strangely familiar about you. Did you notice that, too?
Your owner said your name was Cadbury and that you were born in Fletcher on February 3rd and going to be 4. My owner said I also was born in Fletcher on February 3rd but going to be 5. My owner later realized she was wrong and we figured out that we’re actually brothers.
Please have your owner contact mine so we can have a sniffy, tearful reunion.
Sincerely, Tucker B. Cockapoo (B stands for Black)

Dearest Tucker!!!!
Yes, indeed, it is I. Cadbury S Pickle. It was as we sniff-detected — but our humans too befuddled to realize — we are indeed twins, or perhaps some from amongst quintuplets, one of us (you) stolen by aliens shortly after birth!
I will make it up to you bigtime, I promise. Senior by reason of birth order and disposition, I will be the big brother you never knew you wanted!
If you phone, I will listen to your barky little voice on the answer machine and howl my regards.
If your human contacts mine no doubt we can look forward to a play date, or several. I have many wonderful children-friends here who would be pleased to make your acquaintance. And two (non-related probably) Cockapoos in my neighborhood, a black cutie pie named Puck (whom I insist on peeing on, for which my mom is too embarrassed to let me play with Pucky again) and a winsome apricot named Putney.
All this time and only a block or two away! You seem to have landed on your feet, materially speaking, with that winsome sweater-jacket even though the sun was shining, and four smashing orange booties! For myself, well, my keeper is nice enough, but has Literary Pretensions. So my household is eclectic, some would say Bohemian, but the neighbors watch out for me and what I lack in couture I make up for with an abundance of good bones.
Happy birthday sweet and long-lost brother.
Cadbury S Pickle (S stands for Schmutzy, Yiddish for dirty; as I said, my Keeper presents as literate, sigh, don’t ask).