Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Best of FPF: Masked Pear Thieves

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2024 by No comments yet

Caitlin posted a crime report to their North Hero Forum. “I write to you feeling a combination of rage and violation – we’re pretty sure someone stole all but three of our pears!”

Neighbors weighed in and then came an update. We thought it was well worth a share:

“Several kind neighbors have written to let us know that apparently raccoons are capable of such a thorough fruit heist! I never would have guessed, but many people have said they’ve experienced similar vanishing fruits without a trace, and later learned it was raccoons, including people with more hidden fruit trees or arbors. Additionally, folks have offered to give us their pears or raise money for a pear basket for us. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of spirit of this community, and my faith in humanity (and an increased suspicion of raccoons) has been restored. I feel slightly silly that perhaps I filed a police report against a band of raccoons, but am laughing at the fact that maybe the burglars wore masks.”

Posted in: Best of FPF, Front Porch Forum

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