Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Best of FPF: “Perfect Days” Cassette Collection

Posted on Thursday, September 19, 2024 by No comments yet

A few weeks back, Andrea posted in their St. Johnsbury Area Forum about a new purchase that inspired a nostalgia-motivated desire to collect cassette tapes. And, her neighbors delivered! We thought it was well worth a share:

“I recently acquired a new (to me) vehicle, and to my delight, it came with a cassette player! If you’ve seen the movie “Perfect Days” (I hope you watch it- it’s lovely), the main character drives a vintage work van every morning and listens to a beloved collection of cassette tapes. These are excellent, and I thought, how fun would it be to assemble my own beloved collection? So any Gen X folks with a stash of cassettes in your attic, if you have some special music that you would be interested in sharing with me, please reach out!

For inspiration, here are some of the artists Hirayama listens to in his van in the movie:
Otis Redding
Lou Reed
Patti Smith
The Kinks
The Velvet Underground
The Rolling Stones
Van Morrison

In keeping with my request to Gen X friends, I would also be interested in Pearl Jam, Nirvana, or anything else 80s/90s and delicious you’d like to send my way…”

And, we love a follow up message at Front Porch Forum. Andrea delivered!

“I wanted to post an update on my cassette tape request.

Thanks to all of you generous folks out there, I now have in my possession nearly 300 cassettes! I need to organize them a bit, but it’s been such a joy to start making my way through this rich collection of music!

A few highlights so far:
Lou Reed’s New York album
Leonard Cohen – (I’m a bit obsessed with the song One of Us Cannot Be Wrong)
Emmylou Harris
Front Range’s Back to Red River album (featuring Bob Amos!)
Rolling Stone’s Voodoo Lounge album
Tracy Chapman
Trad folk music from the British Isles.
A number of Beatles and Bob Dylan albums and I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.

I truly, sincerely appreciate all of you that went through your closets and attics and thoughtfully put together collections of music important to you, and chose to share them with me. It’s been a profound education. I’m excited to start listening to the mix tapes too! Here’s to reviving cassettes.”

Posted in: Front Porch Forum

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