Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Best of FPF: Are You OK? Do you need any help?

Posted on Friday, September 13, 2024 by No comments yet

Phyl, in Jericho, was struck by this story of a Shelburne motorcyclist stranded in Jericho. So, they re-posted it in their Jericho Forum. We thought it was well worth (yet another) share:

“Yesterday morning, just south of Jericho on Skunk Hollow Rd, my motorcycle broke down. During the nearly two and a half hours I had to wait for assistance to arrive I am not exaggerating when I say that at least 30 people stopped to check if I was okay and/or offer assistance, including two neighbors who came out of their homes to talk to me and offer me food & drink.

I realize the chances of any of the folks who offered assistance actually seeing this post are slim, yet I nonetheless wanted to publicly share my gratitude. In any otherwise crappy situation, it was heartening and fortifying to know that we still live in the type of society where so many people will stop to check in and offer assistance to a person in need.

Thank you, neighbors.”

Posted in: Front Porch Forum

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