Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Best of FPF: Hello, Aloe

Posted on Friday, September 6, 2024 by No comments yet

Aloe (aka Paul) posted this from their new, albeit shady, spot in Monkton. We thought it was well worth a share:

“My name is Aloe. I’m a 5-year-old aloe plant, propagated from my mother, Big Mama Aloe. I’ve been living happily in Burlington for several years, but recently my owners moved to Monkton, and they don’t have good lighting in their new home. So I need to move out and find someone to take me in and feel a tender place in your heart for me. Someone with good lighting and a kind heart would be nice. I am very quiet, a good listener, and don’t take up too much space. I even come with my own pot and have a bag of succulent soil. I look forward to meeting you, my new best friend!
Aloe T. Plant, Esq.”

Well, it didn’t take long before Janet welcomed Aloe (and Paul) to Monkton with this response:

“I saw on Front Porch Forum that you are seeking sunnier digs. I’d be honored to have you join our humble abode and promise to care for you as we do for all our flora family. You’d be joining spider plants, a sansevereia, a monstera, a phalaenopsis orchid, succulents, herbs, a rex begonia, and a dracaena. You’d be our first aloe plant, but with lots of other adopted greenery to hang-out with.”

Posted in: Front Porch Forum

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