Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Neighborly appreciation in Colchester #VT

Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 by 3 comments

Thanks to Shirley in Colchester for her Front Porch Forum posting today…

Last week, Seven Days ran an article entitled The “Porch” Expands.  It gives the “history” of the founding of our local Front Porch Forum and I must admit that I was truly impressed by all the work done by Valerie and Michael Wood-Lewis.  The Seven Days article was well done and provided all the information I was hoping to find.  Thank you to Seven Days and thank you especially to Valerie and Michael for a job well done!  May your future endeavors be as successful – if not more so.

I also want to thank my neighbors who have graciously shared the names of your favorite service providers.  I am keeping a list and will check it out once the need arises.

Posted in: Community Building, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, Media, Neighborhood, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont


  1. inge schaefer says:

    Town officials will be available to listen to local residents about how to best adjust the defeated budget before another vote, on these days: March 21, 4 p.m., and March 23 at 3 p.m. – both in the Colchester Senior Center at Bayside Park. Please come and share your suggestions and ideas! Inge

  2. melissa frink says:

    We lost our dog yesterday. His name is woofie, he’s a small pug mix with one eye. He’s a rescue so he’s skiddish, he’s silver with black tips. He has is vet tag on him please email me or call the vet if found, thank you all so much.

  3. Jim Gears says:

    I am looking for a mooring or dock space in Mallets Bay. I have a 20′ I/O open bow Four Winns boat. I’m looking for the opportunity to share my boat and/or take people boating/water skiing in exchange for the space. If interested in discussing the possibility please call Jim at 802-316-1594.

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